Hi! I'm Amanda.
For the first three decades of my life, I worked extremely hard and produced high-quality results. I earned my degrees, I excelled in my career, and I married a wonderful partner. We bought a house and we got a dog. I felt challenged in my work, fulfilled in my relationship, and clear-headed about my purpose and direction.
So what happened?
I had two babies.
People are not joking around when they say kids change everything.
For me, becoming a mother was identity-shattering.
I could no longer wake up early or stay up late to get my work done.
I felt like a failure just trying to feed my kids.
I felt self-conscious in my postpartum body.
I felt hopeless that the version of me who had existed before kids was gone, replaced by the just-barely-getting-by-mom version.
Something had to change…

At some point during the endless hours of the night while feeding and changing diapers, I started listening to podcasts hosted by life and leadership coaches, many of whom talked about the powerful impact of increasing one's self-awareness.
I started to realize that I didn't have to settle for just getting by. But I wasn't quite sure how.
So I began a coach certification training as a way to manage my own burnout.
I started coaching myself and others. I used the tools I learned to curb my perfectionism and reach my career potential.
I used the strategies to set boundaries and repair relationships in my life. I stopped needing to read every single parenting book because I had a deep understanding of how my brain worked and how my kids' brains worked.
And I used my new self-acceptance and energy to regain my athleticism.
to help you - a women with similar perfectionist tendencies - to use specific cognitive and emotional skills to do life with more ease.
Non-judgemental is my middle name. You can bring any coaching topic to me, no matter how seemingly silly or shameful, and we will create perspective and opportunity, every single session.
I am tenacious. Your goals become my goals. (And I reach my goals.)
I am fun. Hard work is easier when we find ways to bring in creativity and lightness. I will make personal growth feel sustainable for you, not something you have to suffer through.
I bring academic rigor to everything I do. I hold a BA in psychology from the University of Virginia and a Masters in economic policy from Georgetown. I am currently in Brown University's Leadership and Performance Coaching program, and I am a Certified Professional Coach from the Life Coach School. I always invest in coaching for myself to bring you the most powerful, research-based tools.
In addition to the academic rigor I bring to coaching, I am deeply spiritual. I also majored in in religious studies, and my bookshelves are steeped with spiritual texts of every persuasion.
I started reading Eckhart Tolle when I was ten, and I have never stopped searching for meaning. If you have questions about how to square your faith (or lack thereof, I love that too!) with positive psychology and coaching tools, I am your thought partner!